Sunday, January 4, 2009


Here is some code I wrote to implement an idea posed by someone on HaskellCafe.

-- |2-D infinite grid with O(1) lookup, modification, and incremental move
-- Data is saved sparsely (wrapped in Maybe) with a rose tree zipper
-- where depth is manhattan distance from origin, and sibling index is order
-- CCW around a diamond centered at origin. Sparsity maximized by independent
-- angular offset for each radius, with only adjacent points stored.
-- Uses "Data.Tree.Zipper" which can be found on hackage at
-- Data.Tree is indexed by Int. For unbounded grid, rewrite using Integer
-- Copyright (c) Dan Weston, 2008. All rights reserved.
-- License: Simplified BSD.

module GridZipper (
-- * Grid representation
module Data.Tree,
module Data.Tree.Zipper,
-- * Grid coordinates
-- * Grid values
-- * Moving around the grid
-- * Example usage
) where

import Data.Tree.Zipper(TreeLoc,getLabel,setLabel,modifyLabel,
import Data.Tree (Tree,flatten)
import Data.Maybe (maybe,isJust,fromJust)


-- |Cartesian grid coordinates
data XY = XY Int Int deriving (Eq,Show)

-- |Polar grid coordinates
-- r = |x| + |y| (manhattan distance form origin)
-- k = index around diamond, starting at (+r,0)
data RK = RK Int Int deriving (Eq,Show)

-- |Grid label
data GridLabel a = GridLabel RK (Maybe a) deriving (Eq,Show)

-- |Grid represented as rose tree (radius = depth, angle = width)
type Grid a = Tree (GridLabel a)

-- |Cursor is rose tree zipper (polar coords stored in label alongside value)
type GridZipper a = TreeLoc (GridLabel a)


-- |Gets cartesian coordinates from polar ones
cartesianFromPolar :: RK -> XY
cartesianFromPolar (RK 0 0) = XY 0 0
cartesianFromPolar (RK r k) = case q of
0 -> XY (r - s ) (s )
1 -> XY (negate s) (r - s )
2 -> XY (s - r ) (negate s)
3 -> XY (s ) (s - r )
where (q,s) = k `divMod` r

-- |Gets polar coordinates from cartesian ones
polarFromCartesian :: XY -> RK
polarFromCartesian (XY 0 0) = RK 0 0
polarFromCartesian (XY x y)
| x > 0 && y >= 0 = RK r y
| y > 0 && x <= 0 = RK r (r - x)
| x < 0 && y <= 0 = RK r (2*r - y)
| y < 0 && x >= 0 = RK r (3*r + x)
where r = abs x + abs y


-- |Extracts polar coordinates from label
getRK :: GridLabel a -> RK
getRK (GridLabel rk _) = rk

-- |Extracts cartesian coordinates from label
getXY :: GridLabel a -> XY
getXY = cartesianFromPolar . getRK


-- |Extracts grid value, if any, from label
getValue :: GridLabel a -> Maybe a
getValue (GridLabel _ value) = value

-- |Returns copy, replacing grid value
newValue :: Maybe a -> GridLabel a -> GridLabel a
newValue v (GridLabel rk _) = GridLabel rk v

-- |Returns copy, replacing grid value
setValue :: Maybe a -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
setValue v = modifyLabel (newValue v)


-- |New empty grid
newGrid :: Grid a
newGrid = newNode (RK 0 0)


-- |Move to new polar coords
goToRK :: RK -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
goToRK rk@(RK r k) z
| r < 0 = error "goToRK called with r < 0"
| r == 0 = root z
| r == rCurr = moveAround rk . leftmostSibling $ z
| r > rCurr = moveOut rCurr rk z
| otherwise = moveIn rCurr rk z
where RK rCurr _ = getRK . getLabel $ z

-- Move to new cartesian coordinate
goToXY :: XY -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
goToXY = goToRK . polarFromCartesian

-- |Move relatively in delta cartesian coordinates
moveInXY :: Int -> Int -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
moveInXY dx dy z = goToXY (XY (xOld + dx) (yOld + dy)) $ z
where XY xOld yOld = getXY . getLabel $ z

-- |Move up one step
north :: GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
north = moveInXY 0 1

-- |Move down one step
south :: GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
south = moveInXY 0 (-1)

-- |Move right one step
east :: GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
east = moveInXY 1 0

-- |Move left one step
west :: GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
west = moveInXY (-1) 0

-- |Display grid as association list: (xy,getValue)
assocList :: GridZipper a -> [(XY,a)]
assocList = map (\l -> (getXY $ l,
fromJust . getValue $ l))
. filter (isJust . getValue)
. flatten
. toTree
. root

-- |Example of walking grid from origin, setting values
-- > sampleUsage = putStrLn . show . (assocList &&& id) . walkGrid . fromTree
-- > $ (newGrid :: Grid String)
-- > where f &&& g = \x -> (f x, g x)
-- > f >>> g = g . f
-- > walkGrid = east >>> setValue (Just "XY 1 0")
-- > >>> north >>> west >>> setValue (Just "XY 0 1")
-- > >>> south >>> setValue (Just "XY 0 0")
-- > >>> south >>> setValue (Just "XY 0 (-1)")
sampleUsage :: IO ()
sampleUsage = putStrLn . show . (assocList &&& id) . walkGrid . fromTree
$ (newGrid :: Grid String)
where f &&& g = \x -> (f x, g x)
f >>> g = g . f
walkGrid = east >>> setValue (Just "XY 1 0")
>>> north >>> west >>> setValue (Just "XY 0 1")
>>> south >>> setValue (Just "XY 0 0")
>>> south >>> setValue (Just "d(XY 0 (-1)")


-- |Returns a new node, intended for a given polar coordinate
-- Note that all grids are anchored at the origin. Only the origin node
-- functions as a valid standalone grid.
newNode :: RK -> Grid a
newNode rk = return (GridLabel rk Nothing)

-- |Gets leftmost sibling of current node (which may be current one)
leftmostSibling :: GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
leftmostSibling z = maybe z leftmostSibling . left $ z

-- |Gets rightmost sibling of current node (which may be current one)
rightmostSibling :: GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
rightmostSibling z = maybe z rightmostSibling . right $ z

-- |Move inward to new polar coordinate
moveIn :: Int -> RK -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
moveIn rCurr rk@(RK r k) z
| rCurr == r = moveAround rk . leftmostSibling $ z
| otherwise = moveIn (rCurr - 1) rk . fromJust . parent $ z

-- |Move outward to new polar coordinate
moveOut :: Int -> RK -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
moveOut rCurr rk@(RK r k) z
| r == rCurr+1 = zChild
| otherwise = moveOut (rCurr + 1) rk zChild
where zChild = moveOutOne rk z

-- |Move outward exactly one unit of radius to new polar coordinate
-- This special case allows us to check if there is no child there and,
-- if so, to pick the angular anchor
-- Note that r passed in must be exactly one more than that of current node
moveOutOne :: RK -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
moveOutOne rk@(RK r k) z
= maybe (insertDownFirst (newNode rk) z) (moveAround rk) $ firstChild z

-- |Move relatively in angle around origin (along diamond perimeter)
-- Note that r passed in must match that of current node
moveAround :: RK -> GridZipper a -> GridZipper a
moveAround rk@(RK r k) z
| k == kCurr = z
| otherwise = maybe (insertRight (newNode rk) z) (moveAround rk) $ right z
where RK _ kCurr = getRK . getLabel $ z

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Average of a List

A quick example of how to take the average of a list in one pass:

listAvg :: (Fractional b) => [b] -> b
listAvg = uncurry (/) . foldl' (\(sum,cnt) x -> (sum + x, cnt + 1)) (0,0)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Simple prime factorization code

primes :: [Integer]
primes = primes' (2:[3,5..])
where primes' (x:xs) = x : primes' (filter (notDivisorOf x) xs)
notDivisorOf d n = n `mod` d /= 0

factors :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [Integer]
factors qs@(p:ps) n
| n <= 1 = []
| m == 0 = p : factors qs d
| otherwise = factors ps n
where (d,m) = n `divMod` p

primeFactors :: Integer -> [Integer]
primeFactors = factors primes

Friday, April 20, 2007

Relational Algebra

module RelationalAlgebra(innerJoin,transitiveClosure) where

import Data.List(sort,nubBy)
import Control.Arrow((***))


ifKeyMatchesAddValue seekKey (findKey,value) =
if seekKey === findKey then (:) value
else id

lookupAll seekKey = foldr (ifKeyMatchesAddValue seekKey) []
lookupAllIn keyValueDict = flip lookupAll keyValueDict

-- PRE : abDict and bcDict are set-like
-- POST: Returned acDict is set-like
innerJoin :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => [(a, b)] -> [(b, c)] -> [(a, c)]
innerJoin abDict bcDict = concatMap innerJoinFor joinKeys
where getKeys = map fst
`andThen` removeDupsFromSorted
joinKeys = getKeys abDict
joinedValues = lookupAllIn abDict
`andThen` concatMap (lookupAllIn bcDict)
`andThen` sortAndRemoveDups
innerJoinFor = dup -- key into (joinKey,seekKey)
`andThen` (repeat {- joinKey -} ***
joinedValues {- seekKey -})
`andThen` uncurry zip -- (joinKey,joinedValues)

-- PRE : Arg is set-like
-- POST: Returned is set-like, transitiveClosure is idempotent
transitiveClosure :: (Ord a) => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
transitiveClosure aaDict
| aaDict === aaDictNew = aaDictNew
| otherwise = transitiveClosure aaDictNew
where aaDictNew = mergeInSelfJoin aaDict
mergeInSelfJoin d = d `merge` innerJoin d d


-- DEF: A list is set-like if it is in strictly increasing order

-- Why is this not in Prelude?
dup x = (x,x)

-- I prefer reading function composition from left-to-right
andThen = flip (.)

-- Uses < instead of == to preserve set-like structures
x === y = not (x < y || y < x)

-- PRE : Arg is sorted
-- POST: Result is set-like
removeDupsFromSorted :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
removeDupsFromSorted = nubBy (===)

-- POST: Result is set-like
sortAndRemoveDups :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sortAndRemoveDups = sort
`andThen` removeDupsFromSorted

-- PRE : Args are set-like
-- POST: Result is set-like, the sorted union of args
merge as [] = as
merge [] bs = bs
merge aas@(a:as) bbs@(b:bs) | a < b = a : merge as bbs
| b < a = b : merge aas bs
| otherwise = a : merge as bs

Friday, December 8, 2006

Haskell code for ifThenElse

if/then/else can be so ugly. I prefer the C ternary operator (cond ? t : f)

In Haskell, since functions are first class objects, this becomes especially powerful:

module ArrowChoiceOps((?),(??),(???),(????)) where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Either

infix 1 ?, ??, ???, ????

(?) :: Bool -> a -> Either a a
(?) True = Left
(?) False = Right

(??) :: Bool -> (a, b) -> Either a b
(??) True = Left . fst
(??) False = Right . snd

(???) :: (a -> Bool) -> (Either a a -> d) -> a -> d
p ??? q = (p &&& arr id) >>> uncurry (?) >>> q

(????) :: ((a, b) -> Bool) -> (Either a b -> d) -> (a, b) -> d
p ???? q = (p &&& arr id) >>> uncurry (??) >>> q

No code is complete without a test harness:

module Main where

import ArrowChoiceOps
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe

-- |Famous general recursion problem, does this halt for all n?
recurse :: Int -> [Int]
recurse n = takeWhile (> 0) . iterate takeAStep $ n
where takeAStep = (<= 1) ??? const 0
||| (even ??? (`div` 2)
||| (+1) . (*3))

-- |Faking mplus if Maybe weren't a MonadPlus
mplusMaybe :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
mplusMaybe = curry (isJust . fst ???? id ||| id)

-- |Fake abs
abs' :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a
abs' = (< 0) ??? negate ||| id

checks :: [Bool]
checks =
(True ? 3 ) == (Left 3),
(False ? 4 ) == (Right 4),
(True ?? (3,4)) == (Left 3),
(False ?? (3,4)) == (Right 4),
(even ??? (`div` 2) ||| (+1).(*3) $ 3 ) == ( 10),
(even ??? (`div` 2) ||| (+1).(*3) $ 4 ) == ( 2),
(uncurry (==) ???? (+1) ||| (*3) $ (3,3)) == ( 4),
(uncurry (==) ???? (+1) ||| (*3) $ (3,4)) == ( 12),
(uncurry (==) ???? (+1) +++ (*3) $ (3,3)) == (Left 4),
(uncurry (==) ???? (+1) +++ (*3) $ (3,4)) == (Right 12),
(Nothing `mplusMaybe` Nothing :: Maybe ()) ==
(Nothing `mplus` Nothing :: Maybe ()),
(Just 3 `mplusMaybe` Nothing) ==
(Just 3 `mplus` Nothing),
(Nothing `mplusMaybe` Just 4) ==
(Nothing `mplus` Just 4),
(Just 3 `mplusMaybe` Just 4) ==
(Just 3 `mplus` Just 4),
(map recurse [-5..5]) == [[],[],[],[],[],[],[1],[2,1],
(map abs' [-5..5]) == (map abs [-5..5])

main :: IO ()
main = print (and checks)

Haskell code to list prime numbers

-- Just calculate the infinite list of primes (lazily),
-- then trip the range to fit
primeGenerator [start,end] = takeWhile (<= end)
. dropWhile (< start)
$ primes

-- Pointed notation with list comprehensions
primes = (2 : [x | x <- [3,5..], isPrime x])

-- Efficient test presupposes the existence of primes
-- This works because to determine whether p is prime you only need
-- to know the primes strictly less than p (except for 2 of course!)
isPrime x = null divisors
where divisors = [y | y <- onlyUpToSqrtX primes, x `mod` y == 0]
onlyUpToSqrtX = fst . span (<= sqrtX)
sqrtX = floor (sqrt (fromIntegral x))

-- A point-free notation, as an alternative
primes' = (2 : filter isPrime [3,5..]) -- indivisible n > 1
where isPrime = all (/= 0) -- i.e. all are nonzero of:
. remOf -- remainders of odd ints
-- where remOf n is when you
remOf n = map (mod n) -- divide into n a list of
. flip take primes' -- primes, but only
. length -- as many as
. takeWhile (<= n) -- are less than n, that is
. map (^ 2) -- the square of each of the
$ primes' -- primes

NOTE: all (/= 0) was provided by Bulat Ziganshin as an improvement on my orignal and . map (/=0).

Favorite quotes about C++

Proposers of new [C++] features should be required to donate a kidney. That would (as Jim Waldo pointed out) make people think hard before proposing [one], and even people without any sense would propose at most two extensions.

-- Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++

If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was the last time you needed one?

-- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal